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盈透:白银(YI)周线走出十字星 继续尝试筑底

2018-4-18 06:34 盈透专栏 interactive 评论: (0) |原作者: Darren Chu|来自: IB美国盈透


白银(SI | YI)在今天欧洲早盘时间的走势表现的有些犹豫,不过仍有望在本周晚些时候重新涨至上周高点。自2018年初以来,白银SI的表现落后于黄金(GC| YG),但随着地缘政治紧张局势的攀升,白银越来越成为资金寻求避风港效应的受益者。



白银(CME SI | ICE YI May18)周线/日线/ 4小时图

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这篇文章已被翻译成中文。原英文作者Darren Chu,CFA,首席金融分析师(TradablePatterns创建人)。如英文版本和中文版本之间有任何不一致,以英文版本为准。该文章中的分析仅为提供信息,不是也不应该被视为推销或招揽购买任何证券。文章中讨论的一般市场活动、行业或领域趋势、或其它基于广泛的经济或政治条件的内容,不应被解释为研究结果或投资建议。讨论中提及包括的特定证券、商品、货币、或其它产品均不构成IB推荐购买,出售或持有此类投资的建议。本材料不是也不意图针对个别客户的特定财务条件、投资目标或要求。在根据本材料采取行动之前,您应该考虑是否适合您的具体情况,并在必要时寻求专业建议


This article is from Tradable Patterns and is being posted with Tradable Patterns’ permission. The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and/or Tradable Patterns and IB is not endorsing or recommending any investment or trading discussed in the article. This material is not and should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security. To the extent that this material discusses general market activity, industry or sector trends or other broad based economic or political conditions, it should not be construed as research or investment advice. To the extent that it includes references to specific securities, commodities, currencies, or other instruments, those references do not constitute a recommendation to buy, sell or hold such security. This material does not and is not intended to take into account the particular financial conditions, investment objectives or requirements of individual customers. Before acting on this material, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and, as necessary, seek professional advice.









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