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加拿大鹅(纽交所股票代码:GOOS)是一家制作奢华冬季服装的公司。该公司在过去几年中迅速发展并于昨日上市交易。IPO(首次公开募股)价格为12.80美元,开盘价高于18美元且收盘价为16.08美元。很难对该股票做空,因为昨天以保证金买入的股票要等到T+3 结算后才能重新贷出。首要经纪商可能会根据接下来几天对隔离账户预测情形找到一些股票。我们看到股票需求远超供给,显示没人提供股票。这并不奇怪,因为几乎每个IPO的周期都是这样重复的。一些交易者想要做空但是由于股票供给缺乏而不能。从卖空和价格变动的角度来看,最有意思的一天是IPO之后的第三天,随着借贷费率上升,市场出现可借贷股票,允许交易者做空。对于加鹅(纽交所股票代码:GOOS)来说那一天是下周二(三月21日)。

Will the GOOS Rate Fly High?

Canada Goose (NYSE: GOOS) makes luxury winter apparel.  The company has grown quickly over the last few years and started trading in the public markets yesterday.  The IPO price was $12.80, with the stock opening above $18 and closing at $16.08.  The stock is very difficult to short as shares bought yesterday on margin cannot be rehypothecated until T+3 settlement.  Prime Brokers may be able to provide a locate based on segregation projections in the coming days.  We are seeing demand exceed the paltry supply of shares, with no one on the street showing.  This is not surprising as the cycle repeats itself with almost every IPO.  Some traders want to short but cannot due to lack of availability.  From a short-sale price-action perspective, the most interesting day is IPO + 3, when supply starts to be available in the market with rate data, allowing traders to short.  That day for GOOS is next Tuesday, March 21st.  


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